Boone Loves Video – GEOlayers 3 MasterClass Selling (Premium)


Boone Loves Video – GEOlayers 3 MasterClass Selling

File details overview
Name Details
File Name Boone Loves Video – GEOlayers 3 MasterClass Selling
File size 40 GB 2K Quality
Publisher Boone Loves Video
update and Published 2023

Learn how to create professional map animations in Adobe After Effects.

My name is Boone, and I’m a map-obsessed animator. While not working freelance, I teach others how to animate maps via Youtube, Patreon, premium courses, and one-on-one coaching. I also like crushed ice.

I loved Boone’s masterclass – it’s worth every penny. Map animations is one of the most useful tools I’ve added to my toolbox as a YouTube documentary filmmaker and everything I know about map animation, I learned from Boone. Boone’s not only a world-class map animator, he’s also a fantastic teacher and his masterclass includes everything you need to quickly learn how to make some seriously gorgeous and unique map animations with GEOlayers in After Effects.

GEOlayers is an unbelievably powerful (and fun) tool, but it’s essentially impossible to leverage fully without a course like this. Boone’s class is suitable for beginners as well as intermediate/advanced GEOlayers users. I had been using GEOlayers a while and considered myself an intermediate user, but I realised when taking Boone’s class that I had been doing a lot of things in GEOlayers the wrong way, which kept causing issues as my animations got more advanced. Boone’s masterclass helped me re-learn the basics of GEOlayers “the right way”, profoundly useful.

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Part 1

Part 2

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