David Kollar – Scale That Product Fast Track Fashion Academy + Update 1 (Premium)


David Kollar – Scale That Product Fast Track Fashion Academy + Update 1

David Kollar – Scale That Product Fast Track Fashion Academy + Update 1    Free Download Latest . It is of  David Kollar – Scale That Product Fast Track Fashion Academy + Update 1   free download.

David Kollar – Scale That Product Fast Track Fashion Academy + Update 1  Overview

Hey, I’m David Kollar – a self-taught fashion designer and entrepreneur. Let’s be real… as a poor immigrant from Slovakia, a college dropout, and a “dreamer” with no connections in the world of fashion – I wasn’t supposed to achieve anything big.

But I did. So now, what gets me going is the desire to help you do the same.

I started my eponymous clothing brand with just $1000 to my name. Now I’m known as a successful innovator at NY Fashion Week with feature collections for over 300 retailers worldwide.

I know the challenges of building an 8-figure fashion brand from scratch…

• Take advantage of my experience as a consultant, where I’ve witnessed the operational issues and creative chaos that stump entrepreneurs.

• My experience as a brand owner means I’ve been through the industry’s highs and lows – and know how to navigate it expertly now.

• As a fashion manufacturer, I’ve linked up with tons of brands and successfully combined countless materials to create unique products that SELL.

If anyone can show you the way in forward in fashion, I know I can


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